What i mean i will give Roblox games as example. What to do? I have installed modded driver according to the instructions Also, the tweak from the archive did not help. When I set the settings in the Graphics Panel for the performance, my graphics do not deteriorate (example is GUI in games). I tested roblox and it looks to be great on minimal (2nd level) level graphics quality�� The performance in games is almost like in Windows 7, despite the fact that I have newer revision of the Intel HD 3000 on my i7-2620m CPU and a resolution of 1600x900. Further, the performance in games compared to the stock and outdated driver. For me, for example, GUI animations have become smoother and more noticeable through Chrome Remote Desktop-control. All the same, we do not underestimate the work you have done.

The performance gain is especially noticeable on Windows 11.